Upcoming Events
18 19 Oct Doubles
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1-2 December Squash Beat Doubles

Event sponsors

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Welcome To Squashbeat


Founder of Squash Beat, Milnay Louw, 3 x SA National Champion, presents weekly Squash coaching at Welgemoed Squash in Cape Town. Doubles and Singles events are also presented on a regular basis. Keep an eye on the Events page!

Individual or group sessions

Individual or group sessions are available per request. Weekly sessions are done at Welgemoed and Kuilsriver squash club. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want me to visit your club!

Early childhood development

Why are fundamental skills important for physical development of a child? It allows children to enjoy sports and physical activities and act as building blocks for more complex skills.

SA Level 1 Coach

I am a registered SA level 1 coach and present squash coaching around the Cape Town area.


Get in touch